The Identification of the Two Blender Boats

wpid-IMG_0592.JPG-2010-03-3-17-42.jpgMarsh Harbor is full of “two blender” boats. Oh, you don’t know this term, two-blender boat; well it’s probably because it’s a faithism. It’s an old category of boats that have been seen and recognized by many other boaters for many years but have been previously under identified. Two blender boats are often powerboats but this category is not exclusively power, some sailboats can be seen among the largest of the class. It is also possible to find monohull and catamarans this classification however cat’s are more prevalent and often come in a shorter lengths.

Two blender boats in the powerboat variety are usually over 45 ft while the catamaran may come in shorter lengths. Monohulls in the two-blender boat genius nearly always come in substantially larger sizes, 65 ft or over.

Two blender-boats are created when the owner of the craft makes the decision that their boat is of the size that requires, nay demands two blenders. Most of the rest of us, on boats of more modest lengths wrestle with the decision, do we bring a Crockpot or not, what about the stand mixer? Maybe the hand mixer, or the rice cooker, should be left behind.

wpid-IMG_0588.JPG-2010-03-3-17-42.jpgThe decision is influenced primarily by the size of your boat and the amount of storage available. The first requirement of a two-blender boat is that the boat is large enough to store 2 blenders. Second the boat’s owner must be of the ilk to prioritize dedicating the available space for storing blenders rather than something else. By default this means that the blender is high enough on the priorities list to demand two.For the owner of a two blender boat there is the need, or perceived need to have either one blender and a backup or actually to have two blenders going at one time on the boat. This is a big, party boat.